animated short film / JÁMA/THE PIT / 6 min / Dir.: Markéta Kubátová Smolíková / Producer: MAUR film (CZ) / Coproducer: Super film (SK), PFX (CZ) / 2019​​​​​​​
The camera flies over a desolate cosmic landscape and descends towards a procession of strange, possibly extraterrestrial creatures. The foreman of the group picks a suitable spot and the whole multiplying colony starts excavating a pit. What they excavate they eat and divide among their members, who increase in numbers and improve their mining methods. They encounter various natural disasters that ruin their efforts – but the colonists always rise from the ruins and continue their work. We do unequivocally sympathise… till the moment when we return from the space landscape to the people’s daily lives.
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